Plot: The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie — renamed The New Saturday Superstar Movie in its second season — is a series of one-hour animated TV-movies, broadcast on the ABC television network on Saturday mornings from September 9, 1972, to November 17, 1973.
Intended as a "Movie of the Week" for kids, this series was produced by several production companies — including Hanna-Barbera, Filmation, and Rankin/Bass — and mostly contained features based on popular cartoon characters and TV shows of the time, such as Yogi Bear, The Brady Bunch, and Lost in Space
The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie
First Episode Aired On:
Saturday, September 9 1972
52 years ago
Saturday, September 9 1972
52 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Sunday, January 13 1974
50 years ago
Sunday, January 13 1974
50 years ago
Number of seasons: 2 (21 episodes)