Plot: It's time for the Movie Trivia Schmoedown! Today's battle is a long-awaited triple threat match between three former champions for the #1 contender spot in the Schmoedown Singles Division! Ethan "Big Time" Erwin tries to get a rematch against the current champion Dan Murrell, as he faces off against the legend John "The Outlaw" Rocha and former champion and 2019 Free4All MVP William "The Beast" Bibbiani. The winner of this three-round movie trivia contest will get another shot to wear the coveted Schmoedown belt
Movie Trivia Schmoedown - Season 6 - Singles #1 Contender Match: Bibbiani vs Rocha vs Erwin (Episode 22)
Episode Aired On:
Friday, April 12 2019
5 years ago
Friday, April 12 2019
5 years ago