Plot: Combining the talents from Monster Garage and Monster House, 6 items from a home owner's house were taken to the Monster Garage for monsterization.
Design team: Jarri Schwartz (Monster House decorator), Gadget (Monster House/BIG! builder), Big Schwag (Monster Garage commentator), The Pizz (artist)
House owner: Miles
Build team: Michael Gump (Previous work: Fright house (door frame)), artist Dan Danknick (Previous work: Geo Tracker balloon), electrical genius Nikki Giovacchini (as Nik Giovacchini) (Previous work: Mobster house), monster veteran Chuck Mignacco (Previous work: Geo Tracker balloon), welder Mike Massingill (Previous work: Fire house), carpenter/firefighter Mac Sufuentes (Previous work: Low bull rider), lowering expert Ian Roussell (Previous work: Mad scientist house (mad scientist bar)), welder/fabricator Ed Robinson (Previous work: Remote control car), circus performer/mechanical expert
Monster Garage - Season 3 - How To Monsterize Everything (Episode 10)
Episode Aired On:
Monday, October 25 2004
20 years ago
Monday, October 25 2004
20 years ago