Plot: Trapped victims under tornado debris; Plane wing clips tree during takeoff and the plane cartwheels, leaving hunters stranded in wilderness; Floridians record hurricane; Bus falls over 30-foot embankment and lands in river; Snowmobiler plows into audience; Burning warehouse collapses and causes fireman to fall of ladder; Tornado causes power line transformers to explode; Eight fishermen trapped on sinking boat in Alaska waters; Rafters fall into raging river; Tornado damages restaurant on top floor of skyscraper; Flooded Venezuela city; Romanian Landslide; Construction workers trapped on top of burning high rise; Helicopter catches fire over navy aircraft carrier
Max X List: 3. Inferno destroys Nevada town 2
Maximum Exposure - Season 2 - Recipe for Disaster (Episode 20)
Episode Aired On:
Saturday, April 6 2002
22 years ago
Saturday, April 6 2002
22 years ago