Plot: Skydivers play catch in midair; Scat jumpers jumping from high places into safety net; Motorcyclists jump hillsides and sand dunes; Wake boarders do summersaults; Man skis off half-mile high cliff and pulls parachute; Water-skiers go barefoot; Women's cliff diving competition; Man skis on feet across desert dragged by helicopter; Sky surfing; Freestyle skiers jump ramps and do summersaults before landing in pool; Surfer pulled across lake by handlebar attached to large kite; Man climbs the face of 36-story building with no safety gear; Man rides ATV on top of water; Shotgun bowling; Hi-Tech Adventure Race; Rail grinding without skateboards; English people race cheese wheels down hillside; Human foosball; Human catapults; Horseback riders in knight armor joust each other
Max X List: 3. Surfers on 50-foot waves 2