Plot: The Conductor takes the Pteranodon family on a very special journey on a new invention - the Drill Engine Train - in search of the perfect spot for a new Underground Dinosaur Train Station! Don is THRILLED to be venturing into the BIGGEST HOLE THE EARTH HAS EVER KNOWN! Shiny is nervous to be underground, until they meet a new friend (a Mesozoic Mole named NATASHA NECROLESTES), who teaches them all about the different layers of the Earth. Story A Educational Objectives: The Earth has several layers - the crust (a thin, solid outermost layer), the mantle (the deeper, denser layer), and the core (the super dense center that's as hot as the sun)

Dinosaur Train - Season 4 - What's at the Center of the Earth? (1): Layers (Episode 17)
Episode Aired On:
Monday, February 20 2017
8 years ago
Monday, February 20 2017
8 years ago