Poster of Asleep and Awake

Asleep and Awake

Plot: Between Dreaming and Awakening, an Iranian drama series whose story revolves around gangs that sponsor the drug trade in Iran, where senior police officers confront them after they pose a real threat to the country's youth. It shows a complicated story about police trying to drag these traders into the trap, so interesting events take place in a dramatic context in which the features of the conflict between the forces of good and evil appear, and the series is a light police comic type, which gives the impression of the difficulties facing the policemen of the dangers and obstacles surrounding the policeman and his family in the same time
First Episode Aired On:
Thursday, February 27 2003
21 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Thursday, February 27 2003
21 years ago
Number of seasons: 1 (22 episodes)