Plot: The hilarious, over-the-top adventures of CIA Agent Stan Smith - a red-white-and-blue-blooded, one-man war on terror - and his delightfully dysfunctional family. Volume Five celebrates that great American pastime - revenge! Steve and his friends strike back at Bar Mitzvah boy - Etan Cohen for stealing Steve's girlfriend, Francine puts Stan through the ringer when she finds out he's picked a back-up wife, and Roger unleashes deadly hotdog havoc throughout Langley Falls - all in the name of good old-fashioned vengeance
American Dad! - Season 5
First Episode Aired On:
Sunday, September 28 2008
16 years ago
Sunday, September 28 2008
16 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Sunday, May 17 2009
15 years ago
Sunday, May 17 2009
15 years ago
Number of Episodes: 20