Poster of Balala the Fairies: Princess Camellia

Balala the Fairies: Princess Camellia

Plot: In the kingdom of Boka Boka, lives Princess Camellia, who can speak to magical creatures. One day, she loses control of three such creatures, causing them to flee
Release Date: Thursday, October 1 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Zhao JinmaiZhao Jinmai
Zhao Jinmai was
13 in Balala the Fairies: Princess Camellia
as 'Maggie'.
Sun, Sep 29 2002
Portrait of Wang HuiWang Hui
Wang Hui was
30 in Balala the Fairies: Princess Camellia
as 'Fairy Queen'.
Tue, May 07 1985


Portrait of Chen ChengChen Cheng
Chen Cheng was
>> in Balala the Fairies: Princess Camellia
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday