Poster of To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion)

To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion)

Plot: When a young girl walks home alone at night, something sinister lurks in the shadows, which beckons along with the ringing of bells, to remind her the true meaning of oblivion.
Release Date: Saturday, October 31 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Syahla Putri R.Syahla Putri R.Syahla Putri R. was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Grace'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julio RionaldoJulio RionaldoJulio Rionaldo would have been no older than >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Death'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday –
Sat, Jan 13 2018
Portrait of M. Ridzky RamadhaniM. Ridzky RamadhaniM. Ridzky Ramadhani was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Death'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of M. Ridzky RamadhaniM. Ridzky RamadhaniM. Ridzky Ramadhani was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Assistant Director, Script Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julio RionaldoJulio RionaldoJulio Rionaldo would have been no older than >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Director, Editor, Associate Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday –
Sat, Jan 13 2018
Portrait of Fauzan Muhammad D.Fauzan Muhammad D.Fauzan Muhammad D. was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fadhil AbhimantraFadhil AbhimantraFadhil Abhimantra was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Producer, Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alma HaryantoAlma HaryantoAlma Haryanto was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Makeup & Hair'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of M. Augie Kim IdrisM. Augie Kim IdrisM. Augie Kim Idris was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Art Direction'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rafika Annisa SariRafika Annisa SariRafika Annisa Sari was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Unit Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zahiir Al FarabyZahiir Al FarabyZahiir Al Faraby was >> in To Whom the Bell Rings (Oblivion) as 'Gaffer, Best Boy Electric'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday