Poster of Fuxi


Plot: Divided into four parts, each section representing both a festivity and specific state between life and death, Fuxi uses food as a throughline to explore myth and mortality. Lee Kang-sheng, Lee Hong-chi, and Annie Chen star
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Lee Kang-shengLee Kang-shengLee Kang-sheng may be 56+ in Fuxi
Birthday: Sat, Oct 12 1968
Portrait of Lee Hong ChiLee Hong ChiLee Hong Chi may be 34+ in Fuxi
Birthday: Thu, May 10 1990
Portrait of Xue XuchunXue XuchunXue Xuchun may be 31+ in Fuxi
Birthday: Sun, Feb 20 1994


Portrait of Qiu JiongjiongQiu JiongjiongQiu Jiongjiong may be 47+ in Fuxi as 'Director'
Birthday: Sat, May 14 1977
Portrait of Yuchao FengYuchao FengYuchao Feng may be 32+ in Fuxi as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Wed, Jun 03 1992