Poster of Western for the SDS

Western for the SDS

Plot: West­ern for the SDS por­trays the de­vel­op­ment of the left as a learn­ing pro­cess among wo­m­en who shar­p­en their aware­ness in the move­ment but cont­in­ue to have no say. The con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing the film is shown in the DFFB week­ly news­reel Re­quiem for a Com­pany
Release Date: Saturday, February 3 1968
57 years ago
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Portrait of Marlies BeddiesMarlies BeddiesMarlies Beddies was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Johannes BeringerJohannes BeringerJohannes Beringer was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elke EdelmannElke EdelmannElke Edelmann was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lore DitzenLore DitzenLore Ditzen was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Peter HomannPeter HomannPeter Homann was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Peter Thomas KrügerPeter Thomas KrügerPeter Thomas Krüger was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Freya RaimbaultFreya RaimbaultFreya Raimbault was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christian SemlerChristian SemlerChristian Semler was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Werner VestingWerner VestingWerner Vesting was >> in Western for the SDS
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Günter Peter StraschekGünter Peter StraschekGünter Peter Straschek was >> in Western for the SDS as 'Director, Script, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Holger MeinsHolger MeinsHolger Meins was 26 in Western for the SDS as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Sun, Oct 26 1941 –
Sat, Nov 09 1974