Poster of Zipzibbelip


Plot: A grotesque review of actions performed in vain and those of frustration incarnate: it is about the vain attempt to button up a pair of briefs, the failure of a cavalier, a voyeur, a couple taking part in a dance contest; five fragmentary scenes running backwards and forward, standing upright and on their head, accelerated and recurring in cuts that vary in length. A film about the voyeur in the auditorium, who is made to participate in the frustration, and about the underlying schmaltzy music, he actually shares in
Release Date: Monday, January 1 1968
57 years ago
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Portrait of Werner NekesWerner NekesWerner Nekes was 23 in Zipzibbelip as 'Director'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 29 1944 –
Sun, Jan 22 2017