Poster of 1967


Plot: 1967 (made in 2015) presents newly found and digitized silent 16mm films from the 1960s in the form of a four-part composition portraying a cast of artists, writers, musicians and actors who made up the bohemian underground of that time. The film recasts the essence of a scene whose participants have since been idealized as celebrities or else forgotten
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of VivaViva
Viva was
76 in 1967
Tue, Aug 23 1938
Portrait of Brigid BerlinBrigid Berlin
Brigid Berlin was
75 in 1967
Wed, Sep 06 1939


Portrait of Michel AuderMichel Auder
Michel Auder was
>> in 1967
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday