Thorbjørn HarrThorbjørn Harr was 48 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Kasper (voice)'.
Birthday: Fri, May 24 1974
Aksel HennieAksel Hennie was 47 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Jesper (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 29 1975
Jeppe Beck LaursenJeppe Beck Laursen was 50 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Jonatan (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, Jun 01 1972
Linn SkåberLinn Skåber was 52 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Tante Sofie (voice)'.
Birthday: Tue, Mar 31 1970
Anders Baasmo ChristiansenAnders Baasmo Christiansen was 46 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Politimester Bastian (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 29 1976
Ivar NørveIvar Nørve was 81 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Tobias (voice)'.
Birthday: Fri, May 16 1941
Einar TørnquistEinar Tørnquist was 40 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Pølsemakeren (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Jun 23 1982
Anette Amelia LarsenAnette Amelia Larsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Bakeren (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Christian SkolmenChristian Skolmen was 52 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Trikkefører Syversen (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 28 1970
Ine Marie WilmannIne Marie Wilmann was 37 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Fru Bastian (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Feb 18 1985
Mathias LuppichiniMathias Luppichini was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Barberer Sørensen (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Hedda Farnes GrjotheimHedda Farnes Grjotheim was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Kamomilla (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ole Opsal StavrumOle Opsal Stavrum was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Tommy (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
David Leander HelgorDavid Leander Helgor was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Tommy (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Herman Philip Breum-LieHerman Philip Breum-Lie was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Remo (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Leo Juul TilleyLeo Juul Tilley was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Remo (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Odd-Magnus WilliamsonOdd-Magnus Williamson would have been no older than 0 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Kjøpmann Berg (voice)'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 14 1980 –
Sun, Sep 14 1980
Nader KhademiNader Khademi was 36 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Silius (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Sep 17 1986
Sol HeiloSol Heilo was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Papegøyen (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Trond Espen SeimTrond Espen Seim was 51 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Kamelen (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 04 1971
Mads HansenMads Hansen was 38 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Løven (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, Feb 02 1984
Thorbjørn EgnerThorbjørn Egner would have been no older than 78 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Narrator (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, Dec 12 1912 –
Mon, Dec 24 1990
Rasmus A. SivertsenRasmus A. Sivertsen was 50 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Editor, Executive Producer, Director'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 26 1972
Niels GrønlykkeNiels Grønlykke was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Morten SkallerudMorten Skallerud was 68 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Wed, Jul 14 1954
Jens Jonathan GulliksenJens Jonathan Gulliksen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Karsten FulluKarsten Fullu was 51 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Writer'
Birthday: Mon, Feb 22 1971
Ingrid HaukelidsæterIngrid Haukelidsæter was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sylvia Bjerknes ClausenSylvia Bjerknes Clausen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Line Producer, Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Åshild RamborgÅshild Ramborg was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Heidi Palm SandbergHeidi Palm Sandberg was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Fredrik KiøsterudFredrik Kiøsterud was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Rasmus KroghRasmus Krogh was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jonas Røyem NyJonas Røyem Ny was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sarita ChristensenSarita Christensen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Magnus ThomassenMagnus Thomassen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Per Arnstein AamotPer Arnstein Aamot was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Fredrik ArntzenFredrik Arntzen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Line Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ove HeiborgOve Heiborg was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Morten RørvigMorten Rørvig was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Carl F. CorneilCarl F. Corneil was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Assistant Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Svein Otto VestengSvein Otto Vesteng was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Assistant Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lars-Petter IversenLars-Petter Iversen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Assistant Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bård FarbuBård Farbu was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bror KristiansenBror Kristiansen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Morten FagelundMorten Fagelund was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Espen RønningEspen Rønning was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Dialogue Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Inger Elise HolmInger Elise Holm was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'ADR Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Daniel LindvikDaniel Lindvik was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'ADR Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Åse Bjøntegård OftedalÅse Bjøntegård Oftedal was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Boris ParunovBoris Parunov was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Esben MogensenEsben Mogensen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gaute StoraasGaute Storaas was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sol HeiloSol Heilo was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Johannes GustafssonJohannes Gustafsson was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Erik StorsteinErik Storstein was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Art Designer, Storyboard Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Torben GreveTorben Greve was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Foley Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
William Eckbo AvgerinosWilliam Eckbo Avgerinos was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thorbjørn EgnerThorbjørn Egner would have been no older than 78 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Book'
Birthday: Thu, Dec 12 1912 –
Mon, Dec 24 1990
Loyd PriceLoyd Price was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Consultant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Hans MøllerHans Møller was 62 in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Wed, Jun 22 1960
Are AustnesAre Austnes was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Randi VedeldRandi Vedeld was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dylan Richard HopkinDylan Richard Hopkin was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Colorist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Henrik LinnesHenrik Linnes was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mads RingdalMads Ringdal was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Brian DyrbyBrian Dyrby was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Foley Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jon BergmannJon Bergmann was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sondre JohreSondre Johre was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bjarmi SæmundssonBjarmi Sæmundsson was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kjetil F. BirtlesKjetil F. Birtles was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marcos ValínMarcos Valín was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Joachim BergJoachim Berg was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alessio IelliniAlessio Iellini was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nimesh ZalaNimesh Zala was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Lighting Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Severin MathiesenSeverin Mathiesen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Borja VeganzonesBorja Veganzones was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Lighting Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kristjan MøllerKristjan Møller was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '2D Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Johannes DekkoJohannes Dekko was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Laura PinoLaura Pino was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Peter J. SpencePeter J. Spence was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Matchmove Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pål SvennevigPål Svennevig was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Technical Advisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jan KnutsenJan Knutsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Adriane BrennmoenAdriane Brennmoen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Storyboard Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Angela PoschetAngela Poschet was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Consultant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Liliana SwirskaLiliana Swirska was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Consultant, Scenic Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
William FaucherWilliam Faucher was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Yaprak MoraliYaprak Morali was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Elin Maria BuggeElin Maria Bugge was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Adrian DalenAdrian Dalen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dmitri KuzkinDmitri Kuzkin was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Lighting Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kristian Arntzen KarijordKristian Arntzen Karijord was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Compositing Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Henrik Thorsrud DyrkornHenrik Thorsrud Dyrkorn was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alex WolfAlex Wolf was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ugo OffnerUgo Offner was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '2D Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Anders Brogaard JepsenAnders Brogaard Jepsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '2D Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Katrine GlenhammerKatrine Glenhammer was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
David BeerDavid Beer was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Frode MohrsenFrode Mohrsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Joachim BarrumJoachim Barrum was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Art Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Grant ReganGrant Regan was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Art Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Simon Dahle NyhusSimon Dahle Nyhus was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Art Designer, Storyboard Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Roger GihlemoenRoger Gihlemoen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'VFX Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Simen MustvedtSimen Mustvedt was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Olav Andreas OpedalOlav Andreas Opedal was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Andreas RolandAndreas Roland was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ørjan Strandli StallelandØrjan Strandli Stalleland was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Stig SaxegaardStig Saxegaard was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Art Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sandra Pilny-LockertsenSandra Pilny-Lockertsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Storyboard Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sjur SørliSjur Sørli was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Storyboard Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mia SkåreMia Skåre was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Martin Andersson AabergeMartin Andersson Aaberge was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'CG Supervisor, 3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julian C. SantiagoJulian C. Santiago was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lucas PetterssonLucas Pettersson was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Lighting Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ebba BenderEbba Bender was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Steven ElvesæterSteven Elvesæter was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julija ScuraJulija Scura was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Digital Compositor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Amalie VilmarAmalie Vilmar was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '2D Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Stine SørensenStine Sørensen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '2D Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ivalou Leveau JensenIvalou Leveau Jensen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alla VartanyanAlla Vartanyan was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sara-Christin RichterSara-Christin Richter was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Katja MollKatja Moll was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jennie SchneiderJennie Schneider was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ida Asferg JakobsenIda Asferg Jakobsen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as '3D Modeller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lene JuliussenLene Juliussen was >> in Three Robbers and a Lion as 'ADR Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday