Poster of Det perfekte bildet

Det perfekte bildet

Plot: Photographer Thomas Morel (28) does almost anything to get a good picture, and goes further and further for every shot. Finally, he works too hard and as a 26-year-old, he goes into a deep depression
Release Date: Wednesday, December 13 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Thomas MorelThomas MorelThomas Morel was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Himself'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Ida KleppeIda KleppeIda Kleppe was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Armstrong LianArmstrong LianArmstrong Lian was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thomas MorelThomas MorelThomas Morel was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vegard Dale BergheimVegard Dale BergheimVegard Dale Bergheim was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Trude RefsahlTrude RefsahlTrude Refsahl was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kristina DaveronisKristina DaveronisKristina Daveronis was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fredrik SeelandFredrik SeelandFredrik Seeland was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of August Botne SandbergAugust Botne SandbergAugust Botne Sandberg was >> in Det perfekte bildet as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday