Fábio AssunçãoFábio Assunção was 30 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Remo Bellini'.
Birthday: Tue, Aug 10 1971
Malu MaderMalu Mader was 35 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Fátima'.
Birthday: Mon, Sep 12 1966
Maristane DreschMaristane Dresch was 29 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Beatriz'.
Birthday: Sat, Oct 09 1971
Eliana GuttmanEliana Guttman was 47 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Dora Lobo'.
Birthday: Mon, Mar 15 1954
Paulo HessePaulo Hesse was 59 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Dr. Rafidjian'.
Birthday: Wed, Apr 01 1942 –
Tue, Nov 14 2023
Carlos MeceniCarlos Meceni was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Bóris'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Cláudio GabrielCláudio Gabriel was 32 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Stone'.
Birthday: Thu, Sep 18 1969
Vera ManciniVera Mancini was 46 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Ismália'.
Birthday: Sat, Nov 06 1954
Otávio MüllerOtávio Müller was 36 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Caled'.
Birthday: Fri, Aug 06 1965
Vic MilitelloVic Militello was 58 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Big Luiza'.
Birthday: Wed, Feb 17 1943 –
Sat, Jan 28 2017
Bruno GiordanoBruno Giordano was 41 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Caruso'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 04 1960
Genézio de BarrosGenézio de Barros was 51 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Padre Rafidjian'.
Birthday: Sun, Jun 11 1950
Guta StresserGuta Stresser was 29 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Stripper'.
Birthday: Thu, Sep 28 1972
Marcos DamigoMarcos Damigo was 28 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Samuel Rafidjian'.
Birthday: Sat, Jul 07 1973
Rosaly PapadopolRosaly Papadopol was 45 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Sofia Rafidjian'.
Birthday: Thu, Feb 23 1956 –
Wed, Dec 16 2020
Osmar di PietroOsmar di Pietro was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Bogossian'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Neusa VelascoNeusa Velasco was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Dona Gláucia'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jorge Eduardo CostaJorge Eduardo Costa was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Michê'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jedson CartaJedson Carta was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Duílio'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Carlos GrilloCarlos Grillo was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Domingos'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mauricio BossccoMauricio Bosscco was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Jornalista 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Maximiliano FerrantzMaximiliano Ferrantz was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Índio'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Afonso CoaracyAfonso Coaracy was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Abel Focca'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mário SergioMário Sergio was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Agente Flecha'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
André FontesAndré Fontes was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Jornalista 2'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Roberto SantucciRoberto Santucci was 34 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Director, Editor'
Birthday: Thu, Sep 28 1967
André MontenegroAndré Montenegro was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'First Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julio MatosJulio Matos was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Second Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Daniel SedaDaniel Seda was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Third Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jacob SolitrenickJacob Solitrenick was 40 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Sat, Jun 17 1961
Alexandre PloskAlexandre Plosk was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Tony BellottoTony Bellotto was 41 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Producer, Music, Novel'
Birthday: Thu, Jun 30 1960
Theodoro FontesTheodoro Fontes was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Malu MaderMalu Mader was 35 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 12 1966
Charles GavinCharles Gavin was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Andreas KisserAndreas Kisser was 33 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Music'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 24 1968
Eduardo QueirozEduardo Queiroz was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Miriam BidermanMiriam Biderman was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Sound Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Paulo FlaksmanPaulo Flaksman was 45 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Art Direction'
Birthday: Wed, Aug 22 1956
Kapel FurmanKapel Furman was 24 in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Special Effects'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 11 1977
Sílvio Da-RinSílvio Da-Rin was >> in Bellini and the Sphinx as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday