Poster of PIPOCA


Plot: Llittle Todd, a quiet, unique kernel, feels awkwardly distant from the other kernels on the corncob. While they effortlessly chat and have a good time together, Todd seems to have a hard time fitting in
Release Date: Friday, December 14 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Tomas KamphuisTomas KamphuisTomas Kamphuis was >> in PIPOCA as 'Todd'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Joe W. BridgesJoe W. BridgesJoe W. Bridges was 25 in PIPOCA as 'Sound Editor, Sound Mixer, Animation, Director, Editor, Writer'
Birthday: Sun, Mar 15 1987
Portrait of Peter GagePeter GagePeter Gage was >> in PIPOCA as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday