Poster of Falling Leaves

Falling Leaves

Plot: Falling Leaves is a heartfelt and quirky short film by Taika Waititi, blending his signature humor with poignant storytelling. Set in a small New Zealand town, the film explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time through the eyes of its offbeat characters
Release Date: Saturday, March 5 2005
19 years ago
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Portrait of Taika WaititiTaika Waititi
Taika Waititi was
29 in Falling Leaves
as 'Bodil de Resny'.
Sat, Aug 16 1975
Portrait of Loren TaylorLoren Taylor
Loren Taylor was
28 in Falling Leaves
as 'Rabbit / Mouse'.
Sat, Jan 01 1977


Portrait of Taika WaititiTaika Waititi
Taika Waititi was
29 in Falling Leaves
as 'Director, Producer, Writer, Director of Photography, Editor'
Sat, Aug 16 1975
Portrait of Loren TaylorLoren Taylor
Loren Taylor was
28 in Falling Leaves
as 'Director, Producer, Writer, Director of Photography, Editor'
Sat, Jan 01 1977