Anna SuknevaAnna Sukneva was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Prof. Ilya LezhavaProf. Ilya Lezhava was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sofia TugarinovaSofia Tugarinova was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Irina PigarevaIrina Pigareva was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marina PigarevaMarina Pigareva was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ivan PigarevIvan Pigarev was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nikolay PigarevNikolay Pigarev was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dragan ZorićDragan Zorić was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nikola ŽivanićNikola Živanić was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Snežana KusovacSnežana Kusovac was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mileta ProdanovićMileta Prodanović was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Slavomir AndelićcSlavomir Andelićc was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Snežana TrivunovićSnežana Trivunović was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alfred SchemerAlfred Schemer was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Eva-Maria HöwingEva-Maria Höwing was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gerrit EngelGerrit Engel was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ina KoltermannIna Koltermann was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Walter BöhnWalter Böhn was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bernd WolfgangBernd Wolfgang was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Frank ArndtFrank Arndt was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Horst UrbanHorst Urban was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Manfred PrasserManfred Prasser was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Delcho GyurovDelcho Gyurov was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Metodi MetodievMetodi Metodiev was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lilyana ManchevaLilyana Mancheva was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Miroslav BorshoshMiroslav Borshosh was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ana RunceanuAna Runceanu was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gheorghe PopescuGheorghe Popescu was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ionel BurceaIonel Burcea was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Andrei PandeleAndrei Pandele was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Hermina IvanHermina Ivan was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Teodor FroluTeodor Frolu was >> in Palace for the People Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Boris MissirkovBoris Missirkov was >> in Palace for the People as 'Director, Writer, Editor, Graphic Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Georgi BogdanovGeorgi Bogdanov was >> in Palace for the People as 'Director, Writer, Editor, Post Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ana AlexievaAna Alexieva was >> in Palace for the People as 'Development Producer, Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Martichka BozhilovaMartichka Bozhilova was >> in Palace for the People as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thomas TielschThomas Tielsch was 65 in Palace for the People as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Mon, Feb 09 1953
Velvet MoraruVelvet Moraru was >> in Palace for the People as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Irina-Andreea MalceaIrina-Andreea Malcea was >> in Palace for the People as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ema KonstantinovaEma Konstantinova was >> in Palace for the People as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gergana ZlatanovaGergana Zlatanova was >> in Palace for the People as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Georgi TenevGeorgi Tenev was >> in Palace for the People as 'Consulting Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mihail IlievskiMihail Ilievski was >> in Palace for the People as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mihai DragoleaMihai Dragolea was >> in Palace for the People as 'Researcher'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Momchil BozhkovMomchil Bozhkov was >> in Palace for the People as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Neda MilanovaNeda Milanova was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Olga KuchmenkoOlga Kuchmenko was >> in Palace for the People as 'Location Manager, Researcher'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alexander ZheltukinAlexander Zheltukin was >> in Palace for the People as 'Location Manager, Researcher'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jelena KikicJelena Kikic was >> in Palace for the People as 'Location Manager, Researcher'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Andrey GatsovAndrey Gatsov was >> in Palace for the People as 'Aerial Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kevork VanlyanKevork Vanlyan was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Konstantin GeorgievKonstantin Georgiev was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nelly RoussevaNelly Rousseva was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jochen HinrichsJochen Hinrichs was >> in Palace for the People as 'Color Grading'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kirsten HerfelKirsten Herfel was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager, Post Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jan-Peter HeusermannJan-Peter Heusermann was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jan-Eike MichaelsJan-Eike Michaels was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Stefanie ReisStefanie Reis was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Karl GerhardtKarl Gerhardt was >> in Palace for the People as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Hannes SchulzeHannes Schulze was >> in Palace for the People as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thomas FunkeThomas Funke was >> in Palace for the People as 'Camera Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Frank SemerauFrank Semerau was >> in Palace for the People as 'Gaffer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Roman VehlkenRoman Vehlken was >> in Palace for the People as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Raluca DurbacăRaluca Durbacă was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marta MarinescuMarta Marinescu was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sorin AnaSorin Ana was >> in Palace for the People as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Victor MiuVictor Miu was >> in Palace for the People as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dan StroeDan Stroe was >> in Palace for the People as 'Aerial Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dobricá LospáaDobricá Lospáa was >> in Palace for the People as 'Post Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday