Poster of Bozo


Plot: Set in Nagano Prefecture, the movie stars Shingo Mizusawa (8000 Miles) as an awkward 28-year-old temporary factory worker named Kaji; a character partially modeled after the perpetrator of the 2008 Akihabara massacre. His social interactions are limited to his postings on internet message boards until he starts hanging out with a co-worker named Tanaka (Shohei Uno) who suffers from the debilitating sleep disorder narcolepsy
Release Date: Saturday, March 16 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Shingo MizusawaShingo Mizusawa
Shingo Mizusawa was
36 in Bozo
as 'Kaji'.
Thu, Sep 02 1976
Portrait of Yasushi FuchikamiYasushi Fuchikami
Yasushi Fuchikami was
28 in Bozo
as 'Okada'.
Mon, Apr 30 1984
Portrait of Shohei UnoShohei Uno
Shohei Uno was
35 in Bozo
as 'Tanaka'.
Sat, Feb 11 1978
Portrait of Ai TamuraAi Tamura
Ai Tamura was
28 in Bozo
as 'Yuri'.
Tue, Jul 10 1984


Portrait of Tatsushi ŌmoriTatsushi Ōmori
Tatsushi Ōmori was
42 in Bozo
as 'Screenplay, Director'
Fri, Sep 04 1970
Portrait of Hidemori TsuchiyaHidemori Tsuchiya
Hidemori Tsuchiya was
>> in Bozo
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yoshihide OtomoYoshihide Otomo
Yoshihide Otomo was
53 in Bozo
as 'Music'
Sat, Aug 01 1959