Poster of Himeyuri


Plot: The 30-minute film centers around a group of high school students who became nurses called Himeyuri and served during the Battle of Okinawa during World War II. The Himeyuri Alumnae Incorporated Foundation, which runs the Himeyuri Peace Museum in Okinawa, produced the film with the aim to convey the experiences of those high school students, many of whom lost their lives during the battle, to children
Release Date: Saturday, June 23 2012
12 years ago
Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Karen AsatoKaren Asato
Karen Asato was
>> in Himeyuri
as 'Narrator'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Shohei ShibataShohei Shibata
Shohei Shibata was
>> in Himeyuri
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ken KaizuKen Kaizu
Ken Kaizu was
>> in Himeyuri
as 'Creator'
Unknown Birthday