Poster of Ron Hopper's Misfortune

Ron Hopper's Misfortune

Plot: Sara, a beautiful young girl, returns to an old abandoned mechanical workshop in the middle of nowhere to meet her unexpected confidant Ron Hopper; a mysterious being that has been anchored in the same place since always.
Release Date: Tuesday, March 10 2020
5 years ago
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Portrait of Vinnie JonesVinnie JonesVinnie Jones was 55 in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Ron Hopper'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 05 1965
Portrait of Sam MedinaSam MedinaSam Medina was >> in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Gangster'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Franky LankesterFranky LankesterFranky Lankester was >> in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Lord Lankester'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alyssa LozovskayaAlyssa LozovskayaAlyssa Lozovskaya was >> in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Sarah'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Román ReyesRomán ReyesRomán Reyes was >> in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Jamie'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Jaime FaleroJaime FaleroJaime Falero was 43 in Ron Hopper's Misfortune as 'Writer, Director'
Birthday: Wed, Sep 15 1976