Poster of World War II: The heroes of WWII

World War II: The heroes of WWII

Plot: This film features the true stories of some of the legendary men and women of the Second World War who showed supreme courage and strength in the face of the enemy. Through archive film and personal recollections, this documentary includes the legendary leaders, Winston Churchill, Field Marshal Montgomery and General George Patton
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2001
24 years ago
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Portrait of Robert GarofaloRobert GarofaloRobert Garofalo was >> in World War II: The heroes of WWII as 'Editor, Producer, Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lyn BeardsallLyn BeardsallLyn Beardsall was >> in World War II: The heroes of WWII as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael DunneMichael DunneMichael Dunne was >> in World War II: The heroes of WWII as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jeremy JosephJeremy JosephJeremy Joseph was >> in World War II: The heroes of WWII as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joanne DoyleJoanne DoyleJoanne Doyle was >> in World War II: The heroes of WWII as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday