Poster of Secret Machine

Secret Machine

Plot: In Secret Machine, the protagonist encounters an antagonist that is studying her, measuring her body and comparing her to units of space and time. Clocks rush and her movements are calculated on a grid: the eye is observed through lenses; her breath is submitted to a resistance rate by putting her under water; needles are used to quantify her reactions and pain: and her voice and motion are recorded
Release Date: Monday, January 19 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Helga WretmanHelga Wretman
Helga Wretman was
>> in Secret Machine
as 'Protagonist'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ana J. BellidoAna J. Bellido
Ana J. Bellido was
>> in Secret Machine
as 'Antagonist'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Reynold ReynoldsReynold Reynolds
Reynold Reynolds was
>> in Secret Machine
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday