Poster of The Cello

The Cello

Plot: The sounds of a cello played by a young woman herald the onslaught of puberty and its headaches for a precocious 13 year old boy when he is enrolled in a cello lesson.
Release Date: Friday, December 5 2008
16 years ago
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Portrait of Natalie BrownNatalie Brown
Natalie Brown was
35 in The Cello
as 'Claude'.
Thu, May 17 1973
Portrait of Aidan GreeneAidan Greene
Aidan Greene was
>> in The Cello
as 'William'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Linda GriffithsLinda Griffiths
Linda Griffiths was
55 in The Cello
as 'Mother'.
Wed, Oct 07 1953 –
Sun, Sep 21 2014
Portrait of Derek HerdDerek Herd
Derek Herd was
>> in The Cello
as 'Adult Ensemble Audience / Recital Audience'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Karis MacDougallKaris MacDougall
Karis MacDougall was
>> in The Cello
as 'Violinist'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Danijel MargeticDanijel Margetic
Danijel Margetic was
>> in The Cello
as 'The Boyfriend'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alex James PedersenAlex James Pedersen
Alex James Pedersen was
>> in The Cello
as 'Gang Leader'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul StephenPaul Stephen
Paul Stephen was
>> in The Cello
as 'Father'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Érik CimonÉrik Cimon
Érik Cimon was
>> in The Cello
as 'Director, Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ray DumasRay Dumas
Ray Dumas was
>> in The Cello
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reece CrothersReece Crothers
Reece Crothers was
>> in The Cello
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emily NewellEmily Newell
Emily Newell was
>> in The Cello
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Greg NgGreg Ng
Greg Ng was
>> in The Cello
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Todor KobakovTodor Kobakov
Todor Kobakov was
>> in The Cello
as 'Original Music Composer'
Unknown Birthday