Poster of Cinépistolaire - Episode 5

Cinépistolaire - Episode 5

Plot: Between Winnipeg and Beirut, Rhayne Vermette and Nour Ouayda take it in turns to create the images of a silent ritual. Are they trying to summon this mysterious lynx, which they both evoke? One through the medium of silver film, the other through video, the filmmakers play a hypnotic game of formal rhymes and reverberating motifs
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Rhayne VermetteRhayne VermetteRhayne Vermette was 40 in Cinépistolaire - Episode 5 as 'Director'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1982
Portrait of Nour OuaydaNour OuaydaNour Ouayda was >> in Cinépistolaire - Episode 5 as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rachel SamsonRachel SamsonRachel Samson was >> in Cinépistolaire - Episode 5 as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday