Poster of Condo


Plot: The story evolves around Benjie (Coco Martin), a young security guard who, having lost her girlfriend from another man, has also lost his sense of being. Without a family to lean on, he requests to the building administration to let him stay in guard's quarters of the new condo he was assigned at
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 2008
16 years ago
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Portrait of Coco MartinCoco Martin
Coco Martin was
26 in Condo
as 'Benjie'.
Sun, Nov 01 1981
Portrait of Arnold ReyesArnold Reyes
Arnold Reyes was
>> in Condo
as 'Igno'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Perla BautistaPerla Bautista
Perla Bautista was
67 in Condo
as 'Letty'.
Sun, Feb 18 1940
Portrait of Diana MalahayDiana Malahay
Diana Malahay was
>> in Condo
as 'Lucy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chx AlcalaChx Alcala
Chx Alcala was
>> in Condo
as 'Emma'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Love ThadaniLove Thadani
Love Thadani was
>> in Condo
as 'Erwin'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Martin CabreraMartin Cabrera
Martin Cabrera was
>> in Condo
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday