Poster of La Emboscada

La Emboscada

Plot: An Argentine photographer, correspondent in the war in the former Yugoslavia, who is fired in 2002 for refusing to fire colleagues at a TV channel, keeps his compensation in a bank in Buenos Aires and looks for work. Suddenly, “el corralito” appears and, despite a law approved in Congress, the Government does not respect it and negotiates with the money from savers
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Osvaldo LaportOsvaldo Laport
Osvaldo Laport may be
68+ in La Emboscada
Sun, Aug 12 1956
Portrait of Roly SerranoRoly Serrano
Roly Serrano may be
69+ in La Emboscada
Fri, Apr 08 1955
Portrait of Silvia KutikaSilvia Kutika
Silvia Kutika may be
68+ in La Emboscada
Sun, Aug 05 1956
Portrait of Erika de Sautu ArrietaErika de Sautu Arrieta
Erika de Sautu Arrieta may be
>> in La Emboscada
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Andrés BufaliAndrés Bufali
Andrés Bufali may be
>> in La Emboscada
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday