Poster of FEMMEfille


Plot: The story of Isabelle Caro, Oliviero Toscani's NO-Anorexia model who rose to fame after his campaign. Diving through different passages of time, with the aid of family photos as well as video diaries left behind, we see a kaleidoscope of Isabelle's life and the world that surrounded her
Release Date: Wednesday, October 29 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Kiki AllgeierKiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Narrator (voice)'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Oliviero ToscaniOliviero Toscani
Oliviero Toscani was
72 in FEMMEfille
as 'Himself'.
Sat, Feb 28 1942
Portrait of Isabelle CaroIsabelle Caro
Isabelle Caro would have been no older than
28 in FEMMEfille
as 'Herself'.
Sun, Sep 12 1982 –
Wed, Nov 17 2010


Portrait of Kiki AllgeierKiki Allgeier
Kiki Allgeier was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Cinematography, Director, Writer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gerd HaagGerd Haag
Gerd Haag was
66 in FEMMEfille
as 'Producer'
Thu, Jan 01 1948
Portrait of Frank Stephan LimbachFrank Stephan Limbach
Frank Stephan Limbach was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Co-Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gesa MartenGesa Marten
Gesa Marten was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andreas BjørckAndreas Bjørck
Andreas Bjørck was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Masami TomihisaMasami Tomihisa
Masami Tomihisa was
>> in FEMMEfille
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday