Poster of Dissident


Plot: In 1960s Ukraine, at a time when many in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc were re-evaluating the socialist system, Oleg is a former soldier in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army that fought against both Nazi Germany and the communist Soviet Union for Ukrainian independence during World War II. After an amnesty deal is reached, Oleg is released from prison camp and returns to Ukraine, where he tries but fails to find his place in peacetime society
Release Date: Wednesday, November 27 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Oleksandr PryshchepaOleksandr PryshchepaOleksandr Pryshchepa was >> in Dissident as 'Oleg'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dasha TvoronovychDasha TvoronovychDasha Tvoronovych was >> in Dissident as 'Natalka'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dmytro YaroshenkoDmytro YaroshenkoDmytro Yaroshenko was 38 in Dissident as 'Taras'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 30 1986
Portrait of Viktoria RomashkoViktoria RomashkoViktoria Romashko was >> in Dissident as 'Vilena'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vasyl MazurVasyl MazurVasyl Mazur was 69 in Dissident as 'Fr. Vasyl'.
Birthday: Mon, Apr 11 1955


Portrait of Andriy AlferovAndriy AlferovAndriy Alferov was >> in Dissident as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stanislaw GurenkoStanislaw GurenkoStanislaw Gurenko was >> in Dissident as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Oleksandr BoikoOleksandr BoikoOleksandr Boiko was >> in Dissident as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aleksandr KachanAleksandr KachanAleksandr Kachan was >> in Dissident as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vladislav MitsovskiVladislav MitsovskiVladislav Mitsovski was >> in Dissident as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexander RodnyanskyAlexander RodnyanskyAlexander Rodnyansky was 63 in Dissident as 'Producer'
Birthday: Sun, Jul 02 1961
Portrait of Oleksandr OmelianovOleksandr OmelianovOleksandr Omelianov was 39 in Dissident as 'Producer'
Birthday: Thu, Sep 12 1985