Poster of Mefistofele


Plot: The season kicks off with Boitos resplendent retelling of Goethes Faust, a monumental work of 'choral grandeur and melodic richness' (The New York Times) in one of the most impressive productions ever seen at the War Memorial Opera House. The cast includes Ramón Vargas, a tenor 'in ravishing voice' (Financial Times), as the philosopher who sells his soul to the Devil; the 'luminous, compelling' Patricia Racette (Washington Post) as the woman he desires; and, in the vividly menacing title role, the 'seductively malevolent' bass-baritone Ildar Abdrazakov, a 'fullbodied bass-baritone' renowned for his 'wonderfully evil portrayals' (The New York Times)
Release Date: Tuesday, July 9 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Ildar AbdrazakovIldar AbdrazakovIldar Abdrazakov was 36 in Mefistofele as 'Mefistofele'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 26 1976
Portrait of Ramón VargasRamón VargasRamón Vargas was 52 in Mefistofele as 'Faust'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 11 1960
Portrait of Patricia RacettePatricia RacettePatricia Racette was 48 in Mefistofele as 'Margarita'.
Birthday: Wed, Jun 23 1965
Portrait of Nicola LuisottiNicola LuisottiNicola Luisotti was 51 in Mefistofele as 'Conductor'.
Birthday: Sun, Nov 26 1961


Portrait of Robert CarsenRobert CarsenRobert Carsen was >> in Mefistofele as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Frank ZamaconaFrank ZamaconaFrank Zamacona was >> in Mefistofele as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arrigo BoitoArrigo BoitoArrigo Boito would have been no older than 76 in Mefistofele as 'Writer'
Birthday: Thu, Feb 24 1842 –
Mon, Jun 10 1918
Portrait of David GockleyDavid GockleyDavid Gockley was >> in Mefistofele as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday