Poster of The Rocket

The Rocket

Plot: Set against the lush backdrop of rural Laos, this spirited drama tells the story of scrappy ten-year-old Ahlo, who yearns to break free from his ill-fated destiny. After his village is displaced to make way for a massive dam, Ahlo escapes with his father and grandmother through the Laotian outback in search of a new home
Release Date: Sunday, February 10 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Sitthiphon DisamoeSitthiphon Disamoe
Sitthiphon Disamoe was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Ahlo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Loungnam KaosainamLoungnam Kaosainam
Loungnam Kaosainam was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Kia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Suthep PongamSuthep Pongam
Suthep Pongam was
63 in The Rocket
as 'Purple'.
Tue, Oct 25 1949
Portrait of Boonsri YindeeBoonsri Yindee
Boonsri Yindee was
67 in The Rocket
as 'Taitok'.
Sat, Apr 07 1945
Portrait of Sumrit WarinSumrit Warin
Sumrit Warin was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Toma'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alice KeohavongAlice Keohavong
Alice Keohavong was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Mali'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Kim MordauntKim Mordaunt
Kim Mordaunt was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrew CommisAndrew Commis
Andrew Commis was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sylvia WilczynskiSylvia Wilczynski
Sylvia Wilczynski was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pauline Phayvanh PhoumindrPauline Phayvanh Phoumindr
Pauline Phayvanh Phoumindr was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bridget IkinBridget Ikin
Bridget Ikin was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael WrennMichael Wrenn
Michael Wrenn was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David MacfarlaneDavid Macfarlane
David Macfarlane was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Triphet RookachatTriphet Rookachat
Triphet Rookachat was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nick MeyersNick Meyers
Nick Meyers was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Caitlin YeoCaitlin Yeo
Caitlin Yeo was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Musical'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Watana GarumWatana Garum
Watana Garum was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Makeup & Hair'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sam PettySam Petty
Sam Petty was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Sound Designer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brooke TreziseBrooke Trezise
Brooke Trezise was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Sound Designer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pete BaxterPete Baxter
Pete Baxter was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raweeporn JungmeierRaweeporn Jungmeier
Raweeporn Jungmeier was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Casting'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Khunanun SrisuwanKhunanun Srisuwan
Khunanun Srisuwan was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Woranun PueakpunWoranun Pueakpun
Woranun Pueakpun was
>> in The Rocket
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday