Poster of Mindgame Trilogy

Mindgame Trilogy

Plot: Anthology sequel to "Mindgame" (1998) which follows the fate of the three prisoners after their escape from their asteroid prison cell. Sontaran Sarg faces death against overwhelming odds on a desolate battleground, Draconian Merq faces trial after receiving an unusual "gift" and the human pilot finds herself stranded in space in a crippled fighter and a rapidly depleting oxygen supply
Release Date: Friday, March 5 1999
25 years ago
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Portrait of Sophie AldredSophie Aldred
Sophie Aldred was
36 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Space Pilot 6927896'.
Mon, Aug 20 1962
Portrait of Miles RichardsonMiles Richardson
Miles Richardson was
35 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Commander of Brigade Merq'.
Mon, Jul 15 1963
Portrait of John WadmoreJohn Wadmore
John Wadmore was
>> in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Field Major Sarg'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Keith BarnfatherKeith Barnfather
Keith Barnfather was
40 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Director, Producer'
Wed, Aug 06 1958
Portrait of Miles RichardsonMiles Richardson
Miles Richardson was
35 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Writer'
Mon, Jul 15 1963
Portrait of Terrance DicksTerrance Dicks
Terrance Dicks was
63 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Writer'
Fri, May 10 1935 –
Thu, Aug 29 2019
Portrait of Roger Christopher StevensRoger Christopher Stevens
Roger Christopher Stevens was
>> in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicholas BriggsNicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs was
37 in Mindgame Trilogy
as 'Music'
Fri, Sep 29 1961