Poster of Unseen


Plot: In 2009, police discovered the bodies of eleven women decomposing in and around the home of known sex offender. With unprecedented access to the surviving victims, UNSEEN looks into how this killing spree went unnoticed for so long
Release Date: Friday, April 1 2016
8 years ago
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Portrait of Vanessa GayVanessa Gay
Vanessa Gay was
>> in Unseen
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Latundra BillupsLatundra Billups
Latundra Billups was
>> in Unseen
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shawn MorrisShawn Morris
Shawn Morris was
>> in Unseen
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melvette SockwellMelvette Sockwell
Melvette Sockwell was
>> in Unseen
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Laura PaglinLaura Paglin
Laura Paglin was
>> in Unseen
as 'Director of Photography, Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nels BangerterNels Bangerter
Nels Bangerter was
>> in Unseen
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday