Poster of Kotsutsubo


Plot: Eri (Matsubara) is a high school student who is anonymous unlike her friend Mitsuko (Yokoyama) who is the target of amorous advances from their teacher, Ichida (Tsubouchi). Eri comes across a novel way to protect Mitsuko: find a cursed funerary urn that contains ashes reputed to cause death and give said ashes to teacher
Release Date: Saturday, May 26 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Natsumi MatsubaraNatsumi Matsubara
Natsumi Matsubara was
21 in Kotsutsubo
as 'Eri'.
Tue, Jun 19 1990
Portrait of Ai ShinozakiAi Shinozaki
Ai Shinozaki was
20 in Kotsutsubo
as 'Rina'.
Wed, Feb 26 1992
Portrait of Rurika YokoyamaRurika Yokoyama
Rurika Yokoyama was
20 in Kotsutsubo
as 'Mitsuko'.
Fri, Sep 27 1991
Portrait of Kenta ItogiKenta Itogi
Kenta Itogi was
24 in Kotsutsubo
Thu, Mar 03 1988
Portrait of Kazuhiko KanayamaKazuhiko Kanayama
Kazuhiko Kanayama was
44 in Kotsutsubo
Wed, Aug 16 1967
Portrait of Rina MiyazakiRina Miyazaki
Rina Miyazaki was
18 in Kotsutsubo
Mon, Feb 21 1994
Portrait of Mamoru TsubouchiMamoru Tsubouchi
Mamoru Tsubouchi was
>> in Kotsutsubo
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Jirô NagaeJirô Nagae
Jirô Nagae was
33 in Kotsutsubo
as 'Director'
Fri, Feb 02 1979
Portrait of Yoshimasa AkamatsuYoshimasa Akamatsu
Yoshimasa Akamatsu was
>> in Kotsutsubo
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yusuke YamadaYusuke Yamada
Yusuke Yamada was
30 in Kotsutsubo
as 'Novel'
Mon, Jun 08 1981
Portrait of Tetsuya KudôTetsuya Kudô
Tetsuya Kudô was
>> in Kotsutsubo
as 'Photoscience Manager'
Unknown Birthday