Poster of Valley of the Wolves: Iraq

Valley of the Wolves: Iraq

Plot: The film covers through fiction real-life events like the occupation of Iraq, the execution of Daniel Pearl, the Hood event and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal.
Release Date: Tuesday, January 31 2006
19 years ago
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Portrait of Necati ŞaşmazNecati ŞaşmazNecati Şaşmaz was 34 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Polat Alemdar'.
Birthday: Wed, Dec 15 1971
Portrait of Gürkan UygunGürkan UygunGürkan Uygun was 31 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Memati Baş'.
Birthday: Mon, May 27 1974
Portrait of Kenan ÇobanKenan ÇobanKenan Çoban was 31 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Abdülhey Çoban'.
Birthday: Wed, Jan 22 1975
Portrait of Erhan UfakErhan UfakErhan Ufak was 27 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Erhan Ufuk'.
Birthday: Fri, May 05 1978
Portrait of Bergüzar KorelBergüzar KorelBergüzar Korel was 23 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Leyla'.
Birthday: Fri, Aug 27 1982
Portrait of Billy ZaneBilly ZaneBilly Zane was 39 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Sam William Marshall'.
Birthday: Thu, Feb 24 1966
Portrait of Gary BuseyGary BuseyGary Busey was 61 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Doctor'.
Birthday: Thu, Jun 29 1944
Portrait of Diego SerranoDiego SerranoDiego Serrano was 32 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Dante'.
Birthday: Mon, Feb 05 1973
Portrait of Ghassan MassoudGhassan MassoudGhassan Massoud was 47 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Abdurrahman Halis Karuki'.
Birthday: Sat, Sep 20 1958
Portrait of Jay AbdoJay AbdoJay Abdo was 43 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Kurdish Leader (Jihad Abdou)'.
Birthday: Sun, Oct 21 1962
Portrait of İsmet Hürmüzlüİsmet Hürmüzlüİsmet Hürmüzlü was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Arab Leader (Abu Tarik)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yavuz İmselYavuz İmselYavuz İmsel was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Turkmen Leader (Hasan)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mauro MartinoMauro MartinoMauro Martino was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Mr. Fender'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Osman SonantOsman SonantOsman Sonant was 26 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Amerikan Çavuş 2'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 01 1979
Portrait of Spencer GarrettSpencer GarrettSpencer Garrett was 42 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'George Baltimore / Journalist'.
Birthday: Thu, Sep 19 1963
Portrait of Ziver ÇiftçiZiver ÇiftçiZiver Çiftçi was 27 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Groom'.
Birthday: Tue, Mar 21 1978


Portrait of Serdar AkarSerdar AkarSerdar Akar was 41 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Director'
Birthday: Tue, Oct 13 1964
Portrait of Selahattin SancakliSelahattin SancakliSelahattin Sancakli was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raci ŞaşmazRaci ŞaşmazRaci Şaşmaz was 32 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Screenplay, Producer'
Birthday: Tue, Oct 30 1973
Portrait of Bahadır ÖzdenerBahadır ÖzdenerBahadır Özdener was 31 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 27 1975
Portrait of Zübeyr ŞaşmazZübeyr ŞaşmazZübeyr Şaşmaz was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kemalettin OsmanlıKemalettin OsmanlıKemalettin Osmanlı was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gökhan KırdarGökhan KırdarGökhan Kırdar was 35 in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Tue, Jun 02 1970
Portrait of Alan O'DuffyAlan O'DuffyAlan O'Duffy was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arne WallbrecherArne WallbrecherArne Wallbrecher was >> in Valley of the Wolves: Iraq as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday