Poster of Starbirds


Plot: Tōshō Daimos the movie is a side story based on the same mythology established in the anime TV series about a powerful super robot, Daimos and its pilot, Kazuya Ryūzaki. In this movie, the Baam send their giant robot Zeron to battle Daimos
Release Date: Thursday, July 1 1982
42 years ago
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Portrait of Michael PartMichael Part
Michael Part was
>> in Starbirds
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tadao NagahamaTadao Nagahama
Tadao Nagahama would have been no older than
48 in Starbirds
as 'Co-Director'
Mon, Sep 26 1932 –
Tue, Nov 04 1980
Portrait of Saburo YatteSaburo Yatte
Saburo Yatte was
>> in Starbirds
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Masaki TsujiMasaki Tsuji
Masaki Tsuji was
50 in Starbirds
as 'Writer'
Wed, Mar 23 1932