Poster of The Punk Voyage

The Punk Voyage

Plot: In December 2016 a remarkable chapter in music history was closed as the Finnish punk rock band Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät (PKN) retired. Punk Voyage is a feature length documentary film about the last years of the band, with all the ups and downs included
Release Date: Friday, October 13 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Kari AaltoKari Aalto
Kari Aalto was
40 in The Punk Voyage
as 'Himself'.
Sat, Dec 25 1976
Portrait of Sami HelleSami Helle
Sami Helle was
>> in The Punk Voyage
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pertti KurikkaPertti Kurikka
Pertti Kurikka was
60 in The Punk Voyage
as 'Himself'.
Wed, Dec 26 1956
Portrait of Niila SuorantaNiila Suoranta
Niila Suoranta was
>> in The Punk Voyage
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jutta TahvanainenJutta Tahvanainen
Jutta Tahvanainen was
>> in The Punk Voyage
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Toni VälitaloToni Välitalo
Toni Välitalo was
>> in The Punk Voyage
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of J-P PassiJ-P Passi
J-P Passi was
43 in The Punk Voyage
as 'Director, Writer, Director of Photography'
Tue, Jan 01 1974
Portrait of Jukka KärkkäinenJukka Kärkkäinen
Jukka Kärkkäinen was
45 in The Punk Voyage
as 'Writer, Director'
Thu, Jan 20 1972
Portrait of Magnus GerttenMagnus Gertten
Magnus Gertten was
63 in The Punk Voyage
as 'Producer'
Sun, Dec 06 1953