Poster of The Cursed

The Cursed

Plot: In the late 19th century, a brutal land baron slaughters a Roma clan, unleashing a curse on his family and village. In the days that follow, the townspeople are plagued by nightmares, the baron's son goes missing, and a boy is found murdered
Release Date: Wednesday, July 28 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Boyd HolbrookBoyd Holbrook
Boyd Holbrook was
39 in The Cursed
as 'John McBride'.
Tue, Sep 01 1981
Portrait of Kelly ReillyKelly Reilly
Kelly Reilly was
44 in The Cursed
as 'Isabelle Laurent'.
Mon, Jul 18 1977
Portrait of Alistair PetrieAlistair Petrie
Alistair Petrie was
50 in The Cursed
as 'Seamus Laurent'.
Wed, Sep 30 1970
Portrait of Roxane DuranRoxane Duran
Roxane Duran was
28 in The Cursed
as 'Anais'.
Wed, Jan 27 1993
Portrait of Nigel BettsNigel Betts
Nigel Betts was
57 in The Cursed
as 'Alfred Moliere'.
Tue, Oct 15 1963
Portrait of Stuart BowmanStuart Bowman
Stuart Bowman was
55 in The Cursed
as 'Saul'.
Mon, Nov 15 1965
Portrait of Simon KunzSimon Kunz
Simon Kunz was
58 in The Cursed
as 'Mr. Griffin'.
Mon, Oct 15 1962
Portrait of Amelia CrouchAmelia Crouch
Amelia Crouch was
17 in The Cursed
as 'Charlotte Laurent'.
Sat, Mar 27 2004
Portrait of Max MackintoshMax Mackintosh
Max Mackintosh was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Edward Laurent'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tommy RodgerTommy Rodger
Tommy Rodger was
19 in The Cursed
as 'Timmy'.
Thu, Nov 01 2001
Portrait of Áine Rose DalyÁine Rose Daly
Áine Rose Daly was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Anne-Marie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Millie KissMillie Kiss
Millie Kiss was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Amy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tom SweetTom Sweet
Tom Sweet was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Joseph'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Romy EllisRomy Ellis
Romy Ellis was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Young Girl'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Parker EllisParker Ellis
Parker Ellis was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Young Boy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gary OliverGary Oliver
Gary Oliver was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Sir John'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Richard CunninghamRichard Cunningham
Richard Cunningham was
54 in The Cursed
as 'The Vicar'.
Wed, Jun 14 1967
Portrait of Pascale BecouzePascale Becouze
Pascale Becouze was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Gypsy Woman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sean MahonSean Mahon
Sean Mahon was
>> in The Cursed
as 'John Adam'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mish BoykoMish Boyko
Mish Boyko was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Calum'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul BandeyPaul Bandey
Paul Bandey was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Dr. Marchall'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alun RaglanAlun Raglan
Alun Raglan was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Old Edward Laurent'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Oisín StackOisín Stack
Oisín Stack was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Dr. Bernard'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Florie BlightFlorie Blight
Florie Blight was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Hospital Nurse'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Annabel MullionAnnabel Mullion
Annabel Mullion was
52 in The Cursed
as 'Older Charlotte Laurent'.
Wed, Jan 01 1969
Portrait of Jicey CarinaJicey Carina
Jicey Carina was
54 in The Cursed
as 'The Gypsy Blacksmith'.
Mon, Oct 24 1966
Portrait of Stuart GoodwinStuart Goodwin
Stuart Goodwin was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Captain'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Edmund WisemanEdmund Wiseman
Edmund Wiseman was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Mercenary'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher CraigChristopher Craig
Christopher Craig was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Barman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Serge Pierre-GaudouSerge Pierre-Gaudou
Serge Pierre-Gaudou was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Elder 3'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Claude GuindetClaude Guindet
Claude Guindet was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Elder 4'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrick ZoccoPatrick Zocco
Patrick Zocco was
63 in The Cursed
as 'Elder 5'.
Mon, Mar 03 1958
Portrait of Brigitte MasureBrigitte Masure
Brigitte Masure was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Nana Griffin'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anne-Hélène OrvelinAnne-Hélène Orvelin
Anne-Hélène Orvelin was
>> in The Cursed
as 'McBride's Wife'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lilou MoreauLilou Moreau
Lilou Moreau was
>> in The Cursed
as 'McBride's Child'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robert CharpentierRobert Charpentier
Robert Charpentier was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Village Blacksmith'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rebecca CalderRebecca Calder
Rebecca Calder was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Mrs. Adam'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fabien HoussayeFabien Houssaye
Fabien Houssaye was
38 in The Cursed
as 'Beast / Scarecrow'.
Tue, Nov 30 1982
Portrait of Carl LaforêtCarl Laforêt
Carl Laforêt was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Beast'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Sean EllisSean Ellis
Sean Ellis was
51 in The Cursed
as 'Director, Writer, Director of Photography, Producer'
Thu, Jan 01 1970
Portrait of Patrick SchmittPatrick Schmitt
Patrick Schmitt was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Supervising Art Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mickey LiddellMickey Liddell
Mickey Liddell was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pete ShilaimonPete Shilaimon
Pete Shilaimon was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacob YakobJacob Yakob
Jacob Yakob was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alison SemenzaAlison Semenza
Alison Semenza was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yorgos MavropsaridisYorgos Mavropsaridis
Yorgos Mavropsaridis was
67 in The Cursed
as 'Editor'
Thu, Dec 31 1953
Portrait of Richard MettlerRichard Mettler
Richard Mettler was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sébastien MarquillySébastien Marquilly
Sébastien Marquilly was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matthieu MichauxMatthieu Michaux
Matthieu Michaux was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Supervising Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Axel SteichenAxel Steichen
Axel Steichen was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robin FosterRobin Foster
Robin Foster was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Original Music Composer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris LeDouxChris LeDoux
Chris LeDoux was
42 in The Cursed
as 'Visual Effects Supervisor'
Sat, Dec 09 1978
Portrait of Paulo GonçalvesPaulo Gonçalves
Paulo Gonçalves was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pascal Le GuellecPascal Le Guellec
Pascal Le Guellec was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Madeline FontaineMadeline Fontaine
Madeline Fontaine was
>> in The Cursed
as 'Costume Designer'
Unknown Birthday