Poster of The Dollhouse

The Dollhouse

Plot: Upon moving to a unfamiliar town, Ellie (Reese Kirkham) is overwhelmed by her new situation. Her family thinks its nerves but Ellie knows something isn't right
Release Date: Monday, June 22 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Madeleine AusburnMadeleine Ausburn
Madeleine Ausburn was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Beka'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Augustine FrizzellAugustine Frizzell
Augustine Frizzell was
35 in The Dollhouse
as 'Mom'.
Fri, Jul 27 1979
Portrait of Jace DuncanJace Duncan
Jace Duncan was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Brian'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reese KirkhamReese Kirkham
Reese Kirkham was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Ellie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Randal Keith MilhollandRandal Keith Milholland
Randal Keith Milholland was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Dad'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Keli WolfeKeli Wolfe
Keli Wolfe was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Producer, Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Richard NealRichard Neal
Richard Neal was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kristi WolfeKristi Wolfe
Kristi Wolfe was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Troy HockingTroy Hocking
Troy Hocking was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nathan BlazeNathan Blaze
Nathan Blaze was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Evan ArnettEvan Arnett
Evan Arnett was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David GaitanDavid Gaitan
David Gaitan was
>> in The Dollhouse
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday