Poster of Los increíbles

Los increíbles

Plot: The Incredibles tells the story of three everyday heroes: Broken Wing, The Iron Lady and Radioactive Woman. Three people who endure the adversities of life and who struggle against the most terrible villains: death, lovelessness and loneliness
Release Date: Monday, September 24 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Joana MartínJoana Martín
Joana Martín was
>> in Los increíbles
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mariano MorenoMariano Moreno
Mariano Moreno was
>> in Los increíbles
as 'Iron Lady'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of David ValeroDavid Valero
David Valero was
>> in Los increíbles
as 'Director of Photography, Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luisa RomeoLuisa Romeo
Luisa Romeo was
>> in Los increíbles
as 'Executive Producer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juanjo Giménez PeñaJuanjo Giménez Peña
Juanjo Giménez Peña was
>> in Los increíbles
as 'Executive Producer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vincent BarrièreVincent Barrière
Vincent Barrière was
>> in Los increíbles
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday