Poster of Bloody Daughter

Bloody Daughter

Plot: An atypical family portrait, directed by 34-year old Stéphanie Argerich, the daughter of pianists Martha Argerich and Stephen Kovacevich. The filmmaker follows her mother in particular, during concerts and in moments of greater intimacy, searching for answers that might shed light on the private spaces of a family that has always lived in the limelight of the international stage, where gaiety and madness rub shoulders with an absolute and overwhelming passion: music
Release Date: Thursday, November 15 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Martha ArgerichMartha Argerich
Martha Argerich was
71 in Bloody Daughter
as 'Self'.
Thu, Jun 05 1941
Portrait of Stephen KovacevitchStephen Kovacevitch
Stephen Kovacevitch was
72 in Bloody Daughter
as 'Self'.
Thu, Oct 17 1940
Portrait of Annie DutoitAnnie Dutoit
Annie Dutoit was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lyda ChenLyda Chen
Lyda Chen was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Stéphanie ArgerichStéphanie Argerich
Stéphanie Argerich was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Director, Writer, Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pierre-Olivier BardetPierre-Olivier Bardet
Pierre-Olivier Bardet was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vincent PlussVincent Pluss
Vincent Pluss was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luc PeterLuc Peter
Luc Peter was
>> in Bloody Daughter
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday