Kenneth J. HarveyKenneth J. Harvey was 61 in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Director, Producer, Cinematography, Editor, Writer, Online Editor, Colorist'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 22 1962
Kelly MeadusKelly Meadus was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer, Additional Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gary WhelanGary Whelan was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Debbie PowersDebbie Powers was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Patrick ParfreyPatrick Parfrey was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Libby CarewLibby Carew was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Greg BrowneGreg Browne was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Wynette SmallwoodWynette Smallwood was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dale SkanesDale Skanes was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Elinor RatcliffeElinor Ratcliffe was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jan PetersJan Peters was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Christina ParkerChristina Parker was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
John O'MalleyJohn O'Malley was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dwayne LewisDwayne Lewis was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Linda InkpenLinda Inkpen was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Francene HusseyFrancene Hussey was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Fred HickeyFred Hickey was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marilyn HawkesMarilyn Hawkes was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jackie EvansJackie Evans was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lisa DayLisa Day was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Tessa CrosbieTessa Crosbie was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Don CoombsDon Coombs was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Renee BulterRenee Bulter was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Melanie BarnesMelanie Barnes was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Chris DarlingtonChris Darlington was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Editor, Colorist, Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Adam ForanAdam Foran was >> in What the Darkness Cannot Extinguish: The Storytelling Madness of Clifford George as 'Music, Sound Editor, Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday