Poster of Tetractys


Plot: A man must go the the dark depths of his unconscious to retrieve and save his inner child. Along the way he must face his own childhood-trauma created monsters as he travels thru the maze that is his mind, as he enters
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Gerardo PreciadoGerardo PreciadoGerardo Preciado may be 45+ in Tetractys as 'The Writer'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 18 1979
Portrait of Leonardo PreciadoLeonardo PreciadoLeonardo Preciado may be >> in Tetractys as 'Inner Child'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gerardo PreciadoGerardo PreciadoGerardo Preciado may be 45+ in Tetractys as 'Writer, Director, Executive Producer'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 18 1979
Portrait of Rocío PreciadoRocío PreciadoRocío Preciado may be >> in Tetractys as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ancient Order of the DroidsAncient Order of the DroidsAncient Order of the Droids may be >> in Tetractys as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ricardo TorresRicardo TorresRicardo Torres may be >> in Tetractys as 'Special Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday