Poster of Apollo ou la vie sauvage

Apollo ou la vie sauvage

Plot: In the not-too-distant future, humanity will be confronted with an inexorable energy crisis. To face it, a team of astronauts in suspended animation is sent to another galaxy to collect uranium
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Bernard BlancanBernard Blancan
Bernard Blancan was
59 in Apollo ou la vie sauvage
as 'Apollo'.
Tue, Sep 09 1958
Portrait of Louiza BentoumiLouiza Bentoumi
Louiza Bentoumi was
>> in Apollo ou la vie sauvage
as 'Gahlia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sylvio PianoSylvio Piano
Sylvio Piano was
>> in Apollo ou la vie sauvage
as 'Gustavo'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Léo FavierLéo Favier
Léo Favier was
>> in Apollo ou la vie sauvage
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday