Poster of Michael Hutchence - The Loved One

Michael Hutchence - The Loved One

Plot: Charismatic, enigmatic, Michael Hutchence was the personification of the classic rock and roll star and, seemingly, had it all. His untimely death in 1997 robbed the world of a unique and fragile talent
Release Date: Monday, October 31 2005
19 years ago
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Portrait of Michael HutchenceMichael HutchenceMichael Hutchence would have been no older than 37 in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 22 1960 –
Sat, Nov 22 1997
Portrait of Kell HutchenceKell HutchenceKell Hutchence was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paula YatesPaula YatesPaula Yates would have been no older than 41 in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 24 1959 –
Sun, Sep 17 2000
Portrait of Tiger Lily Hutchence GeldofTiger Lily Hutchence GeldofTiger Lily Hutchence Geldof was 9 in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Mon, Jul 22 1996
Portrait of Patricia HutchencePatricia HutchencePatricia Hutchence was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tina HutchenceTina HutchenceTina Hutchence was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rhett HutchenceRhett HutchenceRhett Hutchence was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Susie HutchenceSusie HutchenceSusie Hutchence was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andy GillAndy GillAndy Gill was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jannen MannJannen MannJannen Mann was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ollie OlsenOllie OlsenOllie Olsen was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark OpitzMark OpitzMark Opitz was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Greg PeranoGreg PeranoGreg Perano was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Danny SaberDanny SaberDanny Saber was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris ThomasChris ThomasChris Thomas was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Steve GrahamSteve GrahamSteve Graham was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Director, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jon BrewerJon BrewerJon Brewer was 55 in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 30 1950
Portrait of Dan NelsonDan NelsonDan Nelson was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sandra FabbrettiSandra FabbrettiSandra Fabbretti was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yvette PedenYvette PedenYvette Peden was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Production Manager, Researcher'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mike DoddMike DoddMike Dodd was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Researcher, Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emmanuel RuggierEmmanuel RuggierEmmanuel Ruggier was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephanie SalesStephanie SalesStephanie Sales was >> in Michael Hutchence - The Loved One as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday