Poster of The Wild Ones:  The Unorthodox Yakuza

The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza

Plot: Asamura Kitaro (Ozawa Kazuyoshi), a young assistant head of the Toyukai, is known in Kabukicho as the one-eyed Kitaro, and is feared as a mad dog that will not stop once he loses his temper. Asamura is strong in fighting but not in making money, and together with his brother Matsuo, he forcibly takes on the business of the rival Nishinaga clan
Release Date: Thursday, April 27 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Kazuyoshi OzawaKazuyoshi Ozawa
Kazuyoshi Ozawa was
52 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Wed, Dec 23 1964
Portrait of Rin OgawaRin Ogawa
Rin Ogawa was
32 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Fri, Feb 08 1985
Portrait of Yasukaze MotomiyaYasukaze Motomiya
Yasukaze Motomiya was
45 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Mon, Feb 07 1972
Portrait of Hiroyuki WatanabeHiroyuki Watanabe
Hiroyuki Watanabe was
61 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Thu, Dec 08 1955 –
Tue, May 03 2022
Portrait of Hideo NakanoHideo Nakano
Hideo Nakano was
>> in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hideyuki KawaharaHideyuki Kawahara
Hideyuki Kawahara was
48 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Sat, Mar 15 1969
Portrait of Junpei YamamotoJunpei Yamamoto
Junpei Yamamoto was
>> in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hidekazu AkaiHidekazu Akai
Hidekazu Akai was
57 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Mon, Aug 17 1959
Portrait of Hitoshi OzawaHitoshi Ozawa
Hitoshi Ozawa was
54 in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
Tue, Jun 19 1962


Portrait of Shin HamamizuShin Hamamizu
Shin Hamamizu was
>> in The Wild Ones: The Unorthodox Yakuza
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday