Poster of Married Life: The Movie

Married Life: The Movie

Plot: This satiric comedy concerns a documentary filmmaker (Ken Finkleman) who has brought a camera crew into the home of a typical couple (Robert Cait and Karen Hines) to record the drama of their daily lives. However, the filmmaker soon discovers their daily lives aren't especially interesting, and soon he finds himself deliberately throwing chaos into their path in hopes of making for a more exciting movie
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 1993
30 years ago
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Portrait of Ken FinklemanKen Finkleman
Ken Finkleman was
47 in Married Life: The Movie
Thu, Jan 31 1946
Portrait of Jeremy HotzJeremy Hotz
Jeremy Hotz was
30 in Married Life: The Movie
Fri, May 31 1963
Portrait of Mark FarrellMark Farrell
Mark Farrell was
>> in Married Life: The Movie
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Karen HinesKaren Hines
Karen Hines was
>> in Married Life: The Movie
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Ken FinklemanKen Finkleman
Ken Finkleman was
47 in Married Life: The Movie
as 'Director, Writer'
Thu, Jan 31 1946