Poster of In Sight

In Sight

Plot: In the second half of the 18th century, Jeremy Bentham designed the model of a panopticon, a type of building that made supervision most effective. Panopticons were firstly used for prisons, places where supervision and punishment are the main functions
Release Date: Thursday, November 10 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Michail TrepashkinMichail Trepashkin
Michail Trepashkin was
>> in In Sight
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pierre MartinetPierre Martinet
Pierre Martinet was
>> in In Sight
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Andrea SlovákováAndrea Slováková
Andrea Slováková was
30 in In Sight
as 'Director'
Sat, Jan 17 1981
Portrait of Andrea SlovákováAndrea Slováková
Andrea Slováková was
>> in In Sight
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jana VlčkováJana Vlčková
Jana Vlčková was
30 in In Sight
as 'Editor'
Fri, Jul 03 1981
Portrait of Josef KrajbichJosef Krajbich
Josef Krajbich was
>> in In Sight
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Viktor TverdochlibovViktor Tverdochlibov
Viktor Tverdochlibov was
>> in In Sight
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Martin ŽeníšekMartin Ženíšek
Martin Ženíšek was
>> in In Sight
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday